How much is the highway tow charge?
Model three is 20-39 buses and 5-10 tons (including 10 tons);Model four is 40 or more buses, 10-15 ton (including 15 ton) trucks and 20 foot container trucks;Model five is 15 ton and above freight car and 40 foot container truck.
Notice also provides a "venting fee", namely the rescue vehicle accident (or failure) or vehicle owners request the driver rushed to the scene, due to an accident (or failure) cause vehicle owner or the driver does not need rescue fees. "Empty fee" according to the corresponding price models dragged 50% charge, less than 200 yuan by 200 yuan fee. Accident (or malfunction) vehicle can not be towed, need to use other means of transport, according to the trailer standard 20%.Truck cargo weight of more than 30 tons 31-55 tons Trailer fee; in the vehicle, based on the base price per ton of additional 20 yuan, more than 55 tons of vehicles, more than part of the additional 40 yuan per tonOne car is under 7 passenger cars, 2 tons (including 2 tons) of the following trucks;Model two is 8-19 buses and 2-5 tons (including 5 tons);
Charges vary by kilometer, and there may be differences in different areas. Generally, once, 10 kilometers, 250-300 yuan.According to the "notice" of the charges, on one or two, three or four, five car accident or failure to be dragged from the highway, the base price is 10 km towing fee respectively 280 yuan, 380 yuan, 450 yuan, 500 yuan, 580 yuan. Every 1 kilometers, 15 yuan, 20 yuan, 22 yuan, 25 yuan, 27 yuan, respectively.