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How much is the walking stick of a hungry Walker?.

How much is the walking stick of a hungry Walker?.


Axe, draft, shovel damage is 8, walking stick attack power is 5 (I mean it), actually hurt playing with you can't read the figures, whatever you want, but I hope to adopt, thank you very much.
Axe, pick, boomerang, 0.8x34 (main attack), damageLance ham 1x34 (leading attack) damageThe hammer shovel fork umbrella cane 0.5x34 (main character attack) damageThe insect catching fish rod 0.125x34 (lead attack damage)1.5x34 (the protagonist turned beaver mace attack damage)Shadow sword 2x34 (leading attack) damageDog teeth trap 60 damageEmpty hands 10 damage

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