I mean everything from the boat, the nets for the traps the traps themselves, the electrical equipment, and the salary for the crew. Are the crews wages expense or are they earning a share of the final pot like the owners and partners.
I'd actually inquire with a crab fisherman. Call a dock or something, seem if someone is willing to chat.
Not as simple as asking crab fishing folk! For starter they are not going to help a rival start up! And you will need to apply for a commercial licence which cost a small fortune each and every year! Then there is the insurance of the Boat Equipment and crew! The crab handling equipment needed to commercially deal in crabs which will be based on the land alone with the building or buildings to house it! You crew will expect to be paid whether you're catching crabs or not! So unless you have extremly deep pockets you will not get off the ground or dock! Then to add more joy to this if you have as I guess no experience whatsoever. You will swiftly go bankrupt in under a year! If you do not know the crab grounds then you stand no chance whatsoever of making a penny! You can not just go and poach on others fishing grounds of you will find your boat sitting on the bottom of the sea!