How to add refrigerant home air conditioning
Boot refrigeration mode, even from outside the machine stop valve on the refrigerant cans, they added
Household air conditioners and snow has the following steps: 1. Air-conditioning refrigeration mode boot, made the machine work normally; 2. Open the machine outside dalian to take over the small triangle valve nut (not side with Allen that the self-contained orifice) 3. With professional and snow of the connecting pipe connected to (yellow tubes is answer the refrigerant tank; blue tubes after low pressure thick tube; red tubes after high pressure tubes), the charging hose good refrigerant steel cylinder valves, a head of pick cutting (with pressure gauge), the charging table cut open, plus liquid cut another head with and hydraulic hose tubes valves on the air conditioning separate-bodied air-conditioners and fluid nozzle, loosen the steel cylinder valves for joint release some gas (air) and then tighten. 4. The snow kind of boot added stress between 4.5 to 5.5 MPa
Size tube on the side of each have a hex is air conditioning when switching the self-contained silk snow with, at ordinary times normal and snow is don't have to twist the two inner hexagon self-contained silk, have with the individual is to twist fill the self-contained silk (premise is manufacturer in maintenance mouth without air conditioning to twist a thimble, encounter this kind of air-conditioning system, and snow of connecting pipe connected and then big pipe hexagon self-contained silk just to twist one two laps and snow, tubular, adds to twist back down again and snow kind of connecting pipe.