If the work place is far from the power source, it is necessary to extend the cable and extend the cable, such as through the pedestrian corridor, should be elevated or do a good job of preventing cable from being damaged by rolling.To confirm the above matters, to use 26 electric operation, to prevent accidents.
Confirm the hammer switch is cut off, if the power switch is switched on, then the plug is inserted into the power socket of electric tools will immediately turn by surprise, which may lead to injury risk.
1, confirm the site connected with the power supply and the electric nameplate is consistent, if it is connected with a leakage protector.2, drill and gripper should be adapted, and properly installed.3, drilling walls, ceilings, floors, should be confirmed that there are no buried cables or pipes.4, when working at high altitude, we should pay full attention to the following objects and pedestrian safety, if necessary, set warning signs.