Now I'm going to calculate a display panel for the material sheet, and I'm ready to calculate the square of the plate!
The data is: length [1200MM] width of [750MM] thickness of [480MM] material name is [white light paint] how to calculate how many squares to use it? Jaya! Say it! I put the remaining 5 points all to You say that one of them.
Is it not your cabinet High: 1200 Width: 750 Depth: 480? The cabinet you have to open. There are two side panels, a roof a floor, a backplane, but you have to know there is no solid and activities Plywood.
According to your size: 1.2 * 0.48 * 2 = 1.152
0.75 * 0.48 = 0.72
1.2 * 0.75 = 0.9
Probably square: 2.78. Just a mao count, there is a board where I have not subtracted.