how to change the engine in my cutlass without a chainfall or hoist?
Get a set of weights and start intensely working out.
done this and its really not fun.. we screwed a couple 2x6's together and rapped a chain around them.. chained the board to the engine hoist points, unbolted the trans and held that with chains too so now you have a motor hanging on the engine bay and a trans hanging the same way.. once you know everything has been disconnected get a bunch of your friends who are big and strong to help you lift it or do what i did, jack the car up as high as you can safely get it.. put a ladder on either side of the car.. put a very strong piece of steel or boards across the ladders and chain the boards for the engine to that.. the lower the car back down and the you should be able at that point to get the engine out... this is not a safe or good idea to do at all but it is possible
pull the motor out peace by peace,you can buy a engine hoist at harbor freight for 100 bucks or rent one from a rental place
I've changed a few motors, but never without an engine hoist. If you're going to the trouble of changing a motor, spend the extra few $$ and rent an engine hoist. ... Good luck!!
A. Even if it is a front wheel drive car and you drop the motor out the bottom you will still need a hoist to pull the motor out of the cradle. B. Not having a hoist for a motor swap is like not having shoes at a track meet. If this is your first question you may want to consider letting a professional do this job.