I have a wool woven saddle blanket. About 30 years ago, my mom and dad used it for their horses. My dad had it even before that, so it's pretty old. It has never been washed before I got it. (My dad sent it up to me as he doesn't live home) For about 25-30 years its been in storage, it smells and still has my mom's horses hair all stuck in it. It is also stained by, well, I don't know what. I stuck it in the washing machine twice, with scented soap powder, it is barely cleaner. It still has most of the hair in it, and is still stained, it also still smells. It is also a wierd size. It is about 4.5 or 5 feet long and about the normal width as other ones. It is by a saddle blanket company (I looked it up) and it is meant for riding. How can I get it cleaned? How do you clean yours? Also why is it such a wierd size? I think I'm supposed to fold it in half though. Anyways, I was hoping to get it cleaned up tonight, so I could bring it with me to the barn tomorrow.
No. Prayer has been studied and shown to have no effect on the outcome of a situation. A group of scientists prayed fr some terminally Ill patients and not for the rest. They didn't tell the patients they were being prayed for. Both groups died and got better at the same rate. They then decided to tell another group they were being prayed for. This group of people gave up hope after realizing prayer wasn't helping them get better and died quicker! So prayer had the opposite effect. This was done by scientists trying to prove prayer worked. Prayer accomplishes nothing, other than making the one who's praying feel better about a hopeless situation. That's it. So no matter how many people pray, it won't stop the fire and it won't house victims who lost their homes to the fire. Only home owner's insurance can re-home them. Get off the gas, amigo!
You can get some thick rubber sheeting and cut it to fit, fasten it to the inside of the fender. But you won't be able to prevent any dirt from getting in. Think about how far your suspension travels when you're off-road. It would be nearly impossible to completely protect it from mud. Just wash it when you're done.
What the?! II thinkI think it's a fire hydrantthe heck