So a month ago i had a small fire in my oven. I forgot a plastic cake pan in there and it caught fire. I used the fire extinguisher to get it out(the dry one) i tryed to clean most of the residue out with soap and water and vinegar and baking soda but theres still some stuck in the back. Does anyone know of anyway of getting it out? How harmful is the residue if i try to use the oven? Please serious answers
I haven't had heshes before but i did have the skull crushers and they are amazing. If you want something with a ton of base literally shaking the headphones then thats the pair for you. also if you can feat the money then go with the crushers..the quality is better, bass better, and i personally liked the folding feature dont have to worry about it breaking in a backpack or something. Also be prepared with at least one extra AA battery, the bass with slowly fade as battery is near death :( but its definitely worth it. (50% off warranty if you break it, 100% off if factory defect. life time warranty)
the rod is hooked to a wire that touches the ground so the lightning hits the rod the electricity travels througs the wire into the ground and ur house is safe
lightning hits the highest point of something. if a lignting rod is at the highest point of a building lightning will hit it first. lightning rods are made to absorb the lightning and not let it transfer to other things.