How to clean tarnished silver jewelry?
A metal bowl has far more free electrons to help carry heat away from the hot oatmeal than a ceramic bowl (which is also usually thicker)For the same reason the steel bowl will easily conduct electricity while the ceramic bowl is a good electrical insulatorThe steel bowl will transfer heat to its outer surface very easily where circulating air can carry the heat awayThe ceramic bowl conducts heat poorly and its outer surface will be much cooler than the steel bowl's surface.
The ceramic bowl is less of a thermal conductor than than stainless steel, so heat escapes less easily in the bowl
First Method: The Ingredients You Will Need 1An aluminum plate or aluminum foil 2Water softener powder or baking so 3Hot Water 4Salt The Tools You Will Need 1A small jar or bowl 2A tablespoon The Cleaning Process 1Put few strips of aluminum foil into the jar or cover the bottom of the bowl with a sheet of aluminum foil (or use an aluminum plate instead) 2Fill about half- full of water in your jar or bowl 3Add one tablespoon of salt and one tablespoon water softener powder or baking soda into the jar or bowl 4Stir these goods together 5Put your silver jewelry in the water for a few minutes 6Take the silver jewelry and wipe it offAttention: If your silver jewelry are really badly tarnished, you may have to repeat this action for a few timesThe tools and the quantity salt and soda just depend on your silver jewelry’s sizeSecond Method: You Will Need 1Tooth paste (white is the best) 2Tooth brush Procedure 1Put some tooth paste on your silver jewelry 2Clean it with your finger first for a while 3Use tooth brush to clean it more 4Clean them out with water and wipe off Hope they can help you.