I am connected to my desktop and internet through wi-fi router. Is it possible to control the mouse, keyboard etc of my desktop using my laptop? When I view the network places in winxp, I get a message telling me &Mshome is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permission.The network path was not found&I am able to use internet but not able to browse the files in the desktop. I have already set the drives in desktop computer to sharedAny help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
Shield are more of a legit badass team than the USOS
Wedding didn't happen yet. And yes you are invited Dope Boy's Cousin. Sportsdude is also invited but if he does try anything Ill give you the signal to pop a cap in his a$$ BQ: If this is true Ill have to postpone the wedding to drop them fools BQ2: Creeping