Want to modify the LED lamp house, 32W, look at the power supply input 220V, output 70-130V, 300mA power supply, the brightness of what is a good way to ask a singlechip can output PWM signal to control the LED?
Directly driving the LED with P1.0 should allow the other end of the led to connect to the 5V power via a 220 ohm resistor and execute the CLR P1.0 commandLights up led.
With 8050 transistor switch circuit, the base of the transistor is connected to P2.0, and then with the collector through the LED 5V power supply, the emitter through 220 ohm resistance grounding. Execution of the SETB P2.0 command lights up led.
LED lamp is similar to constant current output, that is, whether you connect 10 LED or 15 LED, the output current changes very little, the 220V supply voltage changes, the output current change is very small, so it is difficult to realize dimming