How does the elevator GB balance factor determine? What is the basis for determining?
The balance factor (K) is a familiar and unfamiliar parameter for elevator professionals. It is known because we all know that the traction elevator has a balance of the weight of the configuration, all know that the national standard in the provisions of the balance coefficient should be in the range of 40% to 50%. (1) directly weighing P and W balance coefficient K is not a mysterious parameter. In the final analysis it is to configure the weight of the weight of the weight, so the balance coefficient K is determined by the balance coefficient design value to configure the weight. This method is cumbersome to operate, and the other parts of the weighing is difficult to achieve without omission, generally not applicable. (2) According to the known K value, the weight of the weight is determined from the balance coefficient K. When the load corresponding to KQ / H is loaded in the car, the static moment on both sides of the traction wheel should be balanced. If you know the design value of the balance factor, simply load the load and verify that it is balanced. The easiest way to verify is to release the brake on the mainframe, and use the manpower to feel the torque balance on both sides of the traction wheel on the hand wheel to increase or decrease the weight. (3) According to the existing weight, it is recommended to use the method of measuring the traction motor current on the national standard. The basic principle is: when the elevator for uniform operation, the traction motor shaft output torque converted to the motor shaft, the elevator mechanical transmission resistance resistance torque (referred to as resistance torque)
0.4-0.5 between. The weight ratio between the weight and the car.
In the no-load and full load between the one to achieve power, reduce the purpose of traction machine