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How to easily remove the protective film of the new refrigerator?

How to easily remove the protective film of the new refrigerator?


Question: tape that protective film to tear it? Answer: tore it, so that you can make the refrigerator sealing better, ask: "your home torn? My home is mainly a child, I'm afraid she drew it!" answered: tore.
1, from the refrigerator side of the next blow with the hair dryer for a while, gently to the side all the way up, slowly torn, with a small rod, roll up and pull out can be, so that the force evenly, once all pull open2, with a washed clean foam produced by the warm water, take a cloth to wipe the protective film, and then let it stand for a while, then the film off, it is very easy
You can tear a corner out, try not to cut the hand feeling, if not you tear end, if any, don't tear, free by the time to get the kids is not good question: No, I'm afraid I miss the pen on the refrigerator by, halo, the answer: no proof, you educate her for questioning: she was a year old, answer: haha, it is even more fun

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