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How to find the cooker circuit for the induction cooker?

How to find the cooker circuit for the induction cooker?


Pulse detector circuit: IBGT C extremely high voltage pulse is sent to the reverse input pin of an amplifier inside the LM339 after voltage divider. The same direction input pin is voltage divided by the power supply resistor and inputs a fixed voltage. This constitutes a comparator. At the 1 pin, the output sync pulse opposite to the 6 pin is sent to the corresponding detection function pin of the CPU. When no pan is used, the vibration of the wire coil and the vibrating capacitor is long, and the energy attenuation is long. In unit time, the number of pulses is small. When there is a pan, the damping of the cooker is added, the energy attenuation is very fast, and the number of pulses per unit time is more than that without the cooker. Thus, the 1 foot of the comparator outputs synchronous pulses. CPU according to the number of pulses to determine whether there is a suitable material pot.
Current transformer detector: the secondary transformer induces secondary voltage varying with the primary current size. Full bridge rectifier, filtered. The resistance divider is then sent to the corresponding functional foot of the CPU after filtering. When there is no pan, the vibration time of the wire coil and vibrating capacitor is long, the energy attenuation is slow, the primary current is less than the check transformer, the secondary voltage of the check transformer is low, and the CPU judge no pot. There is a pot, a suitable material with the addition of the pot, the shock damping coil and resonant capacitor to increase energy attenuation of fast detection in current transformer primary change big pot, in the high voltage secondary induction, CPU determine pot.
2B 1 pin output sync pulse is also sent to the R27 microcontroller PAN end, as a cooker detection signal. If the furnace surface is arranged on the material to meet the requirements of the pot, because the resonance energy is pot resonant absorption, short time, pulse number, pulse or more, the SCM will according to the PAN input the number of pulses to determine whether the furnace surface placed pot.In addition, when the heating is started, the PAN output of the single chip microcomputer outputs the detector pulse as the starting signal

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