I need advice on seeming the edges around large holes. I have about 30 white tablecloths that have permanent oil stains on them in random spots. So, instead of throwing them out, I had an idea to cut out large sections around the oily spots to make a sort of cow pattern (I would be putting the holey white tablecloths over solid black ones). I cut holes in one white tablecloth to preview the effect and it looks really cool but I now need to know how to make it so that the fabric around the holes wont fray apart with use and washing. The info on the purchase receipt says it is Solid White Tablecloth Poplin Fabric Soil Resistant Finish 100% Polyester.I was thinking of using fabric adhesive, but I think it might be visible through the cloth and look ugly.
Dude, just go to school and eventually other people will find some. Too much work for what? Plus my uniform is much stricter, but people break the rules all the time.
if you have a sewing machine, use a zig zag stitch in white thread around each hole.