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how to hook up solar panels to meter?

i want to know how to hook up solar panels to my existing power. all i can find on the internet is to use batteries and a inverter. but i want to use all of my existing lights and outlets off of the solar energy. i have heard that you can actually turn the meter backwards and use supplied power when needed. thats what i want to do and is it possible to do myself and if so, how?


Contact your power company. They will advise you of the proper configuration. If you try to attempt this without notifying the power company and something goes wrong, they can and most likely will hold you responsible for all damages.
At best, you'll burn your house down. You could quite possibly loose your sight or your life. Let the pros do it.
Hooking up without batteries is actually the most common way to do it, but it's a non-trivial project, and dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. There is a device called a grid-tied inverter - that performs the task of putting energy back into the power grid. The reason you don't see homemade panels being hooked to the grid is because the power company's permission is required, and they will not grant it unless you meet building codes, and those codes require parts with at least a UL listing. No homemade panels would quality.
Im an ex solar installer. I dont know all the details but I know of 2 companies in hawaii that are doing what youre talking about - and yes, it feeds power back into the grid and makes your meter turn backwards. uh... darn... locate a company that does that stuff and they will tell you best how and what and why. The electric comapny will know less as they are (believe it or not) behind the times. 2st century technologies is the co. in hawaii. the owner is way cool. its a full-on expensive system though, not some cheesy diy thing. its gnarley. you need the special panels and all that. Photovoteic panels are really expensive. The system costs like 0k + but pays for itself after perhaps 6 years and then you reap the monthly check from the electric company for life (instead of you paying them) Inh hawaii, the sun is strong = $$$ for solar. good luck in your....quest? whatever, man. Hope you find what youre looking for.,

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