How to install a drawer and a low bed?
The rubber sleeve is mounted to the frame tube in enterprises (install the rubber sleeve is to install anti-skid and anti noise) and low - bursts of bed, if there are two people, one person holding a business frame, and both take a bedstead (if there is one word, first of all enterprises against the wall to bed set of wearing screws, screw wear in enterprises to pick up another frame set on, there is a fence) note in the above, do not install the wrong, there is one point to note, the two ends of the ladder hole to align the bed of both sides, do not get back. You can't install the ladder after you've got it back. Tighten the screws and put them on the bed board.
Unpack, remove all the fittings, screws, nuts, two racks, one with ladder (bed, ladder) rubber sleeve, two bedstead