buying sofa but not sure if it would go through my door. want to make sure that the dimentions of the door would allow.
meausre the sofa and measure the door frame....if the sofa is wider than the door, then it won't fit.
measure it...the inside of door frame measure the sofa
Measure the width of the sofa with a tape measure, then the door width, Hey Presto! it's in!
This is not as easy a question as you might think. Unless a sofa is a very strange configuration, doors generally aren't the problem. They almost always fit through your standard sized door, and if the door is smaller then don't try to put a sofa in that room. Bigger sofas generally don't fit through a door without removing their legs, and you usually have to turn them at a funny angle and hook the arm rest through the door first, then slide the body through it at a 45 degree angle, so a tape measure won't actually help much. If you're buying it from a store, ask the sales person. Their answer will probably be of course it will!, in which case you know they didn't actually think about it. Plan B would be to take a long board (like a 2x4) and set it on the couch so that it rests on the top of the backrest and the forward edge of the seat. Try to measure the shortest distance between the board and the lower rear edge of the couch. That will be the absolute minimum width of a door that it will fit through. You'll probably need 4-6 more inches to hook the arm through. Good luck.
Measure it and compare the measurement to the door's.