how to make a solar panel without buying any kit?Any things at home that can be used for solar panels(what are they?)procedures how to make a solar panel
There are 2 kinds of solar cell/panel. Electrical and thermal. Passive thermal is the easiest. It can be made with clear glass bottles or jars. The bottles or jars must first be cleaned and sterilized to prevent the growth of algae or bacteria. Fill these about 90% full with water that has tsp of chlorine bleach per gallon. Put the caps or lids on tight. Seal with hot melt or other waterproof glue like RTV silicone. Arrange these in an array. You can use cement or just build a wood frame. Even simpler is just to put the bottles on a board or window sill. Place this in a sunny spot. The water will be heated by the solar radiation and will stay warm several hours after the sun is no longer shining on them. A an active thermal cell is different. For this you need a medium to heat. Silicon oil is often used but your could just use water. You need a collector, reservoir, heat sink, and circulating pump. These must be arranged in a manner so that the medium (water) is pumped to the collector where it is heated. It passes through the heat sink to transfer the heat and then returns to the reservoir. To make an electrical panel you can buy components. Photovoltaic cells and the components to mount them, wire them and then change the current generated into a type and voltage you can use.
You can make a heat generator for a window--- build a box out of wood the top is glass or plexi the inside is black with a suspended panel in between and a opening on the top which is open to the inside of the window, The sun comes in and is warmed by the black in side and exits through the top into the room,