How to make steamed bread sandwiches for breakfast and lunch?
Steamed bread is more of a method than a recipeHere's how to do it: 1Pick a muffin or quick bread recipe or mix that does not require the creaming together of sugar and butter or shorteningYou can buy mixes in the grocery store or at Web sites like ours, The Prepared Pantry2Mix the dry ingredients togetherAdd the liquid ingredients and stir until combinedScrape the batter into a well-greased pan or vertical can that will fit inside a larger pan3Place several inches of water in the larger panPlace some stones or other items in the bottom of the pan to elevate the smaller pan4Put heavy duty aluminum foil over the smaller pan or canTie a string tightly around the pan to hold the foil in placePlace the smaller pan on the stones in the larger pan and set the water to boiling5Let 'er simmerIt will take about two hours to cook completelyYou will have to add water to the outer pan a couple times to keep it from boiling dryOnce it is done, loosen the dessert and invert the can or pan onto a serving plateYou can serve it without a sauce but a sauce is easy and makes your bread simply decadent.
Well, your friend is probably just stating the obvious and not trying to make you confused through some complicated chemistry theoryYes, aluminum is composed of aluminum molecules, and therefore, aluminum is made of aluminumI hope I answered your questionHaha.