How to prevent concrete pump blockage
-30min, after each operation is completed, the pipeline should be cleaned to prevent the next use caused by blocking the phenomenon.
Partial Leakage: Conveying Pipe Fitting Seal Fasten or replace the seal; shrink the profiled bolt to adjust the eyeglass and cut ring clearance; the piston is intact; the delivery cylinder is intact.
Concrete or mortar segregation: wet water pipes before the pump, from the lowest point of the pipe pipe joints will be released, the remaining water will be let go, or pump water, pump mortar before, put a sponge ball, the mortar and water separated.
Pipeline connection error: pipe error is also likely to cause plugging, pipe layout should be the shortest distance, least elbow, the maximum elbow principle.
Improper operation: the operator to concentrate, to avoid abnormal pressure gauge readings; pumping speed to meet the equipment requirements; pumping more than the amount of material can not be lower than the stirring shaft; Tan degree to control in the 80-230mm; downtime control in 15