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how to raise suspension on a dirt bike?

hey some details :)Bike make ContiModel 200gyYear 2007basically it seems the previous owner had the suspension EXTREMELY low so if i go over a speed bump fast it eats away at the plastic body work above the rear tyre.Regards


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Mine know better than to go in the house, so if they back into a corner and i look at them they'll stop and act like they weren't about to do anything. Mine do this because they know they'll get in trouble if they actually poop in the corner.. Maybe yours knows the same? My ferrets are older though. Maybe he was about to go and got distracted. I'd watch his bowel movements, clean his litter box and wait a couple hours, check it for new stools. They usually go about every 3 hours or so. Make sure the stools look normal (you can find a stool chart online to compare it to). If he's not going at all he needs to go to the vet ASAP cause he might have a blockage. Kits tend to chew on things, he might have swallowed something. He also sometimes lays down flat squints and sighs LOL mine do this a lot.Some ferret owners call this a speed bump because the ferret just lays on the floor flat and looks like a speed bump. It's usually not a sign of disease as much as it is boredom. Grab one of his toys when he does this and see if he perks up. Mine do this when I stop playing with them to get on the computer or wash dishes. They'll plop right onto the floor at the same time and give me a big sigh. It just means he's bored and wants you to entertain him.
Potholes fkin suck! They're everywhere in my city, some roads are really really bad. They can fk your car up

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