i want to do so without having an ugly patch on the sofa.the ballpoint ink-blue, is of the gel type...so far i have not had any sucess doing so in the past...anyone who has sucessfully done so please help. what removes the marks?any household product or stainremover available which does so? perhaps any laboratory chemical????i am stumped!!!!
My toddler drew on our leather couch with a black pen! After I was through freaking out I tried the leather cleaners, the leather stain removers that came with the furniture and they did not work. What worked was alcohol, plain old isopropyl alcohol. It's sold at drug stores and costs less than a dollar. It worked. And I will never be without that stuff again! It got ink off my leather boots too!
Ink Remover Stick by Guardsman Removes ink and lipstick from most leather and vinyl surfaces. Ink remover is a specific product to remove recent ink marks or lipstick stains from fully furnished or pigmented leathers, top-coated leathers or vinyl surfaces. Do NOT use on analine, suede, nubuck or unfinished leather. DIRECTIONS: 1) Pretest: Apply the product in an inconspicuous area and wipe off. If any change in appearance or color occurs, do not use. 2) Rub Ink Remover directly over the spot a few times, allowing 30 seconds for the ink or lipstick to dissolve. 3) Use a soft, lint-free cloth to wipe away both the ink remover and ink or lipstick mark. For stubborn stains, a second application may be needed. Do not rub aggressively. 4) After removal of ink or lipstick, always use leather cleaner to removal all residues. Then apply leather protector
Hair spray. Try a small patch on a part of the sofa that won't be noticed prior, make sure that there is no discoloration, or damage to the material. If everything looks okay, spray a small amount on the effected area, let it sit for 10 minutes, wipe with a damp warm cloth the stain should start to fade, repeat until it is gone. Windex may also work (or any BLUE window cleaner) however there is a high likelihood that it will discolor. However if you find you have gotten ink on a non porous surface go ahead wit the Windex
Try a cheap aerosal hairspray like aquanet. Spray it on heavy, wipe with clean damp cloth immeadiatly. You may have to do this a few times but stain will fade more each time. When stain is all gone, treat spot with saddle soap to recondition leather. I have not done this on a leather couch but a leather purse and had good results several times.