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How to remove scratches on glass?

How to remove scratches on glass?


Toothpaste can cover up small scratches, but if it is very deep, very obvious scratches, then do not hold too much hope, squeeze a little toothpaste on the polishing cloth, with white toothpaste, the effect is better. Put the toothpaste on the scratch, and apply a few more if necessary. Wipe the toothpaste clean with a clean damp cloth to see if the mark has become less obvious.
Wool polishing pad to rub a bit of ferric oxide, on the glass to spiral around the painting, if necessary, repeat the above steps until the scratch faded, with a sponge dipped in ammonia water solution of clean (60 ml mixed solution of ammonia and 1.9 liters), three oxygen on the glass two clean iron.
These products can be bought at furniture stores or hardware stores. You told the owner is how to get up to scratch, how thick glass, frosted glass, ordinary glass or colored glass, and then ask if he has a suitable tool, follow the instructions on the tool box, remove the inside of the sand in the bit, the bit rate lowest, then began to polish the glass. With sand bits will scratch.
Mix 1.5 liters of water with 15 ml of ammonia water and dip it with a clean cloth dipped in ammonia. It will be cleaned around the mark and cleaned with ammonia. Repeat the above steps if necessary until the scratches are less marked.

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