I have a storm door that has the metal panel at the bottom. My dogs were fighting the panel came out. I still have the panel but, cant figure out how to get it back in. Ive tried but, I always seem to bend it when trying to get the last side in.Whats the secret?
The panel is produced particular, and you will most likely be unable to get a substitution board. Contingent upon the development of the entryway, you may have the capacity to evacuate the base style of the entryway and slide out the board. In case you're fortunate, the base is simply held in with screws. In the event that you can get the board out, you may have the capacity to fix it and slide it back in. At that point you can assemble the entryway back and rehang it.
ususally you can take one side of the door frame apart to give you extra room to put the panel back in place being the panel sits in a groove going the whole way around i assume but you could always force it back in if theres enough give if the door frame doesnt come apart