
How to wear the world

How to wear the world


Find the perfect international folder, which has an Element folder, open, will be inside the file trees.pck and grasses.pck name swap on the line. After the wood can not see but sometimes always hit the tree (e anyway I hit the old tree)
First do not run the perfect program in the perfect file save the disk to open the perfect file to find the element folder 1, in the element directory, copy trees.pck, go to the desktop and change it to grasses.pck 2, the same directory under the grasses.pck deleted 3, put "desktop grasses.pck back to the second step to remove the" grasses.pck "file where 4, directly click on the element directory under the perfect icon landing This is the best way now, the tree and the house you can see, and the original screen the same, and support more open, you can think of a few open, as long as your computer allows

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