In my chem class, we need to write a poem 12-15 lines long using 10 descriptive words from a list of 30 words (which are shown below)I have chosen to write about aluminum however I don't know how to make it poetry likeThe poem can ask the question what am i Also, related forms of a word may be used (e.gmagnetic non-magnetic) No numerical figures can be used in this poemdensity(dense)lusterelementheterogeneouscrystalline (crystal)solidgasmalleabillity(malleable)reactivityodorrefractive indexflammability(flammable)magnetismdeliquescentexothermicconductivitycompoundinterfacehomogeneouscrystal shapeliquidductilityspecific heatcolorporosity(porous)solubility(soluble)toxicity(toxic)luminescence(luminescent)endothermicPLEASE HELP!!
Here is 13 lines with 12 of your words where aluminum tells about its on again-off again relationship with man concluding that the man who is always discarding her prefers his own kind as opposed to herYou've used me a hundred times before discarding meYou will discard me againI have the luster of a liquid, but have never fallen through your solid fingersYet you discard me stillIs it my odor of my gas? No; it cannot bePerhaps my porous nature, though I am notBut any excuse will doAnd then you say that it is you, and not me as the color of your face changes as mine never will save for the toxicity you have surely expounded upon me, and will againAnd I see as you leave me again that it truly was you and not meFor it was your specific heat as opposed to my ductility that proved one of us to be quite flammable (not me) as you walked hand in hand as man and manThe punch line is that the aluminum is calling the man gay, though man and man could just mean two homosapiens.