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How would a browns gas Generator work on a naturally aspirated Diesel engine?

I would like to try a browns gas generator on a 3 cylinder Diesel engine to compare efficiency and save money and not add a turbo to the unit. I just wanted to know if anyone had any experience in this. I am also considering a natural gas flow to the intake.


It would work about as well as it works on a petrol engine. Not at all. Forget it.
Had the previous responder actually read from his Wikipedia reference he would have proven himself incorrect
Their should be different generators out there for different engine types. Try to search the term HFI on the net. --As they are often called hydrogen fuel injection systems - Though HFI's do not make pure hydrogen --as they are often confused to do--, the generators often hook up to the battery and use some battery power to run a small machine, which then converts water (H2O) into browns gas(HHO) by rearranging the molecules via electrolysis. The systems that I have seen usually inject the browns gas (HHO-- which has more energy per unit mass) with a mixture of fuel which then is combusted much more efficiently as a mixture than gasoline or diesel fuel alone (which have more energy per unit volume)

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