For my homework project i need to know what the advantages are over normal cars compared to hydrogen cell cars. How the cell car transfers the energy and the environmental impact of the hyrdogen car compared to a normal car we have now. Also how the cell car works compared to a normal internal combustion engine.
Also how the cell car works compared to a normal internal combustion engine. The hydrogen fuel cell car works by generating eletricity to power an electric motor. Hydrogen and oxygen are combined, and produce eletricity. The eletricity run the electric motor. What the advantages are over normal cars compared to hydrogen cell cars? Hydrogen fuel cell cars are not dependent on fossil fuel, and it only exhuast is water. So a Hydrogen fuel cell car is less polluting. There is less environmental impact as compared to an internal combustion engine. There is also HHO Hydrogen fuel cells that produce hydrogen that is added to the fuel in an internal compustion engine. This type of fuel is also known as Browns gas.
I am sorry to break your bubble of the perfect world, but hydrogen is not a very good environmental solution. First, most hydrogen now is produced from fossil fuels. How eco-friendly is that? Second, the more environmentally friendly way of producing hydrogen uses electricity so it can make hydrogen so that said hydrogen can be turned into electricity again. In the perfect world that would be fine, but unfortunately this world is far from perfect. You lose a lot of efficiency by doing this. It is much more efficient to just make an electric car. Third, hydrogen is a way of oil-giants to get ready for the end of the oil. You will still be dependent on fossil fuels, but they will be far away from your sight. Fourth, how safe do you think it is to put the most flammable gas on earth (under normal conditions) in a tank where it will be held at an enormous pressure. That is practically making car-bombs legal, only this time the explosions will be by accident. But to look at it on the bright side, people now feel better about themselves because they don't see anything coming out of their tailpipes now. It is true that a single power-plant's emissions are easier to capture than those of thousands of cars, and moving the pollution away from the cities might have a positive health effect, but all I am saying is that there is a better option. Oh and having so many cars exhaust water into the streets won't make residents of cities like Vancouver happy, as it is wet enough here already. :D
Fuel cell cars will probably be out sooner. No need to have pure hydrogen in storage. Some fuel cells can split the hydrogen off of easily obtainable hydrocarbons like methane or LPG. Since fuel cells are more than twice as efficient as internal combustion engines people will wonder how we ever got along with just having a 400 or so mile range before having to refuel.
Consider the energy used, and environmental impact of generating hydrogen. You can manufacture hydrogen by electrolysis from water, but it takes an incredible amount of electricity. Unless you have massive amounts of electricity that would otherwise go to waste (as is the case in Iceland). If you have geothermal plants making too much electricity for your off-peak demand, the electricity to generate that H2 is essentially free. If you are burning coal to make electricity to generate hydrogen--by the time you get H2 fuel, you're already less thermally efficient than a gasoline engine car. That's before you consider the efficiency of processes in the car itself, which is good compared to a gasoline car but not perfect. And nowhere near as efficient as a battery-powered electric car. Power for power, if you use coal to make the electricity, a hydrogen car emits more CO2 than a gasoline car, which emits more CO2 than a battery-powered electric.