How do we go about getting the SOFA card?
You do not get a SOFA card. The SOFA is the Status of Forces Agreement. That is the equivalent of a treaty where the host country agrees to defer legal matters to be handled by say...the U.S. for U.S. personnel. What you need is an immigration visa. You have to get the packet together and submit it through the U.S. Consulate (Embassy) in your particular region. There is one in Frankfurt, Berlin and I think Munich, but I am not sure about that one. I was married to a British woman, and had to get the ducks in a row before she could come to the U.S. She eventually became a dual citizen. I lived in Germany for 6 years while assigned in the U.S. Army there. Being that your spouse is from a former Soviet Bloc country, there may be an additional hurdle too, but once again, talk to the Consulate about that. You have to get this immigration visa prior to you leaving the country to bring her with you. get on that quickly. thanks and good luck.