I have called to 100s cement companies in US, nobody knows about that type of cement even though I know such cement exists. Please help!
Try asking for cement m-500 it is a mix of portland cement. that's all I know about it I bought some quickcrete one time. It's great stuff you don't even have to mix it. Just put it in a hole and add water!! Really m500 is a quality rating(strength/durability)I am not sure of what it takes to get this quality. Some people in russia want alot of it right now. I don't know what it's for good luck and have a nice day.
Price!!! Im building a house in Mexico. Its the first house I have ever built so im learning a lot. But let me tell you from my experience. Building out of brick and cement is a lot more expensive and difficult than wood. If built right, a brick house can last for centuries. A brick house can have all the look of a wood house too. Which is what most american like and are used to. The cost though, is greater for the bricks. Brick houses are still build in the US, but not too often.