I ask: how to distinguish genuine and fake leather when buying leather sofa?
If consumers want to further determine whether the leather, but also from the back of the leather to tear off a little fiber, if issued after the hair of the hair color, no knot is dermis; such as the issue is pungent odor, knot pimple It may be artificial leather.
Good work leather sofa, leather smooth and tidy, less disabled, soft and flexible feel, even color and color. Leather color fastness to good, with a wet cloth on the surface of the leather wipe will not fade phenomenon, the leather surface patchwork neat, pin uniform, straight stitch, sofa appearance smooth, full without wrinkles. Leather with natural pores and striae, feel full, soft, flexible.
Leather leather will be issued a touch of natural skin taste, if the issue is pungent odor or after a special treatment completely no smell of leather, may not be leather.
Touch the leather surface, leather touch smooth, soft, plump and flexible. In many cortex, leather cortex soft, thick, highest grade. Other cortical surface is more relaxed, not durable. General artificial synthetic leather handle feel astringent, rigid, poor flexibility. Consumers in the purchase, you can press the leather surface, if it is leather, will produce natural pores wrinkles, rebound strong, will immediately return to the original smooth state. Really comfortable leather sofa, not only fine leather material, the internal filling of the resilience is also quite good. Sit down and stand up, sitting position will not collapse.
Leather sofa is a generic, pig skin, horse skin, donkey skin, leather can be used as a sofa raw materials, you must figure out what is the use of leather. Which leather cortex soft, thick, the best quality, and now the sofa is generally used buffalo leather, cortex thicker, affordable. Better there are brown leather, green leather. Horse skin, donkey skin pattern and leather similar to the skin, but the surface of the skin green relaxation, a long time easy to peel off, not durable, so cheap.