I'm concerned about the fire extinguisher residueI read somewhere that it can get into the little cracks in the oven and is toxic when you turn your oven on. So I haven't tried to turn it oncan I adequately clean the oven so it's safe to use?
sure the backside of it could get scratched. But it would not simply be from drifting. If you place this frame package on it could get scratched by way of simply riding down the street. This frame package is made for the automobiles that best pass on a tender monitor. you would wish to discover whatever thats slightly better.
Check for other suppliers in your area, like Ferguson or another local plumbing store, They do make an 1/8 bend that is about 11 degrees. If you use this, you should be able to make up the rest of the difference with the flex in the pipe.
No inspector will ever pass a plumbing job with a scorched pipe. Two quarter bends (90s) create too much resistance to flow and will be disallowed. Some of these answerers must be very sloppy workers. Use two 22 degree fittings but the drain line will have to drop about 6. A neoprene no hub fitting will give you about 10 degrees. Buy the one that is thicker and without the metal sleeve.
There should be a 11.25 degree bend also. I would check a differnt store. PVC does have a litle give to it and you can deflect up to about 4 degrees with a longer run.
The 22 degree is a 45, make a 45 and back again- start down stream from the turn.