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Can you get bed bugs with a Sleep Number bed?

I had a friend say they found bed bugs at their house and I am quite paranoid. I vacuum constantly and my sleep number bed is basically a fancy air mattress. Am I bed bug safe?


Bug bugs are basically dust mites and they are everywhere and impossible to get rid of. Dust mites dod not harm you unless you are allergic to them. If you are then when they bite you they make a little itchy red circle (kind of like a pimple, but without the puss). They bite everyone, but they only leave a mark if you are allergic to them. There are some types of sheets that you can use to keep out dust mites, but they are expensive and not worth the money if you are not allergic to them.
No! Bed bugs don't live just in beds. They are like any other insect in that they will live most anywhere. Your sleep number bed would be just as prone to bed bugs as any other bed. I just watch a tv program the other evening where a lady brought bed bugs into her apartment in her suitcase. She had just stayed in a hotel. The bugs were in the suitcase, in light switches and the bed. The main reason they get in the bed is to eat, not just to live there. I am not trying to worry you, just telling what I saw on tv about them. The thing that was also said was that they are on the rise in this country again after being almost wiped out. They used to use DDT to kill them and that is now banned.
It's true that bedbugs can live in more than just beds, but as long as you keep everything clean you shouldn't worry.

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