Home > categories > Chemical > Additives > I have a 1994 Jaguar I-6 cyl. It some times starts rough as if not getting steady fuel, will additives help?

I have a 1994 Jaguar I-6 cyl. It some times starts rough as if not getting steady fuel, will additives help?

It will turn over and go tio 1000 rpm then shut off after a few times it will start. My wife recently ran it to empty, are there additives that will help ie techron, lucas tune up bottle or STP?


Lol XD just leave it in there, it will probably work better than an actual floppy disk, will store more data, and is much less likely to lose your data.
lucas is the best one i have tryed its like 4 bucks or something. try that if not then take it to autozone and see if they can pull codes off it. to see whats wrong
You can try additives like the Lucas product, but I doubt it will really do anything. Try changing the fuel filter, and have the fuel pressure checked. It sounds like your fuel pump my be getting ready to go.
I doubt it. Most of those additives are designed to help clean the intake system and injectors. They won't cure problems such as rough running or fuel starvation ( they may help prevent rough idle but they won't cure it. )

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