do I need to replace it again ? How hard is it to change the water pump? Any Idea where on the internet I can download a free maintenance manual or replacement instructions ?
depends on the car really most are not that hard but sometimes you have to remove a lot of things to get to where they are..... if you know anything about working on motors would be a can do it at home thing... would take any where from a few hours to a whole weekend
I would turn the crankshaft with the belt on until the timing marks line up, then remove the belt, do the work, then put it back together... if you take it apart with the timing marks out of alignment, then it will be more difficult to put back. just a tip.
If it were mine, I'd replace the belt again anyway, coolant can accelerate the wear or advance rotting of the belt. The waterpump is driven off of the timing belt so you'd need to make sure you have it all set up to TDC and all marks aligned before removing the belt. Then just remove the bolts to the water pump, scrape away all old gasket material and install new pump, torque bolts to specs w/ micrometer (in lbs) but before you can do all that, you have to remove all components on the front of the motor. Long story short...let a shop do it for you!!!
Since okorder , click on Repair Info on the left, select Vehicle Repair Guides, and then input your car model. All the instructions you need are in there.