I recently came across a big spool of rubber/plastic insulated electrical wiring. I cut into the metal with my knife and saw that it had an orange tint to it. I was excited because I thought it was copper but after I burned it and took it to a scrap yard the guy there stuck a magnet to it and said it wasn't copper. because it stuck to the magnet. So it's been about two months now and there's orange rust on it like Iron. but I know what steel wire looks like. This has that distinct copper orange in it but it's magnetic. Help me. I'm so angry and confused.
possibly nickel/copper alloy used for heating elements (low temp) as it is insulated look up constantan wire
its probably worth more than its weight in metal, question is, can you sell it anywhere other than scrapyard, if its heating element as suggested then perhaps you can, find an ohmmeter and measure end to end, it should have significant resistance if its an heating element. but if you burned insulation off the entire spool then you probably made it worthless, even scrapyard might pay you very little if its some unknown alloy