We cleaned the soot however when we clean it out the fire wall box I guess you'd call it fell apart. I've since learned that a combustion chamber but my question is without that box will my boiler not turn on? Is that a safety feature? With the box missing does it cause the oil to simply spray into the fire box and not be concentrated into one area enough for the fire to catch? Please if you have an answer-asap would be great as it's 36 degrees out and I'm racking my electric bill up with this elec heater. Thanks.
Whilst I know nothing about your particular boiler and information online is about a scarce as hens teeth I would be inclined to think you have put something out of adjustment in your cleaning activity . Most oil boilers I have worked on(UK) have a high voltage spark ignition and the spark gap on it is very particular as is the distance between the spark and nozzle for ignition. What fell apart sounds like the refractory lining or high temperature bricks and as again i know nothing about your boiler I do not know how important they are in your case. I would suggest you contact a heating engineer for advise/repair.