These are just normal cloths for cleaning the kitchen etc they no longer absorb water well at allIs there anyway to clean them very well and make them absorbent. or do i have to buy new onesI‘m going to start using vinegar as softener.well try it at least!
Use white vinegar that should rinse any of the softener residue out but just wash them a few times without it.
Washing with warm water will do the trick. Microfiber does absorb the soap and warm water will restore the texture. Don't use hot water though.
Wash with powdered detergent and hot water several times. Many liquid detergents contain some unidentified softeners or oils. Air dry -- don't put them in the dryer with a softener sheet or the like. I've been using Arm Hammer powdered detergent for microfibers and wicking polyesters, and it seems to do the job.