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i'm stuck on my law homework, can you please help me to answer it?

i have to identify whether it is civil or criminal or both and which specific area of law involved adn discuss the key issues which are likely to be raised in court - Amanda had bought and renovated a large house which was converted into student flats, because she was running short of money during the conversion, Amanda decided to buy some second-hand gas heaters which she serviced and installed herself, despite not being qualified to do so. unfortunately, one of the heaters malfunctioned, allowing poisonous fumes into on of the flats.One of the students, Boyd was killed.His girlfriend, Celia was made seriously ill and had to spend weeks in hospital.


Please tell me you're not a law student and this is something from the 8th grade. No college student that has your writing skills should be studying law.
both. one student killed as the result of an illegal installation of the heaters, and one seriously ill. Celia has a strong civil case as well. you might want to learn how to actually construct a proper sentence separated by periods and so forth.
It's both It would have been criminally against the law for Amanda to repair those heaters herself if she was not licensed. The family of Boyd and Celia could sue Amanda in civil court for emotional distress.
Criminal as in the UK the Law states that all gas electrical equipment must comply with statutes relating to installations service of said equipments by qualified trades men. Corgi trained gas fitter to carry out Co2 test as that is more than likely the cause of death. After this a civil case to claim for death/injury by parents or guardians of the dead or injured. So this question was put in to trip or test weather you have done your Research Good luck

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