I just started season 2, there is a new doctor on board with whom i am very unimpressed.Am just wondering if this doctor and her racist attitude towards androids will be continuing on the enterprise, or will Crusher or another doctor soon take her place?
It's a great feeling to donate I did it this Summer. Maybe encourage her to grow it out a little longer, and in the meantime request donations/sponsorships from friends and family and donate that money to Cancer research as well. If you set a $$ goal with her, that will keep her busy while she gains a little more length. The American Cancer Society gets a lot of communities together for Relay for Life. Look for a local team to donate the money to. Maybe she could get a group of friends together to donate with her and get her school's support, too. Another option Pantene Great Lengths only requires 8-9 inches and they make wigs for women instead of children.
That is a very important decision that your daughter has made. You need to let her donate her hair no matter how it may look. Besides her hair will grow back in a short time anyway. You could always take her to a beautician to get the length checked and tell her that as soon as it grows to the right length then she can donate it. She should be recognized for wanting to help others.
The damage this may cause in the long run is huge compared with the ease of fixing it- cut the elboe off and replace it with pvc glue and primer. You need a hack saw,parts,primer and glue- its' dead simple. Get a sheet of appropriate thickness sheet rock and some rock screws to patch up, also tape,plaster,sheet rock hand sanding tools,a broad faced trowel,etc. After its' all done and sanded buy a can of texturing compound and spray it on and wipe it down with the suggested tools to match the wall texture. It may take a week of a few minutes here and there as everything dries. If you goof something these materials are very forgiving and once dry can be resurfaced-basically you are imposing a flat surface with a certain finished, eye appeal texture using a bunch of mushy stuff that takes time to dry until its' rock hard-p.s.check for leaks before enclosing it in sheet rock.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Locks of love gets so much hair they end up throwing much of it away. There are other organizations that will be glad for the hair. Do some research on it. To answer your other question, a short hair cut like that can be very cute. Go for it!
Well for one ask HER what she thinks, and electric buzzers aren't that bad my little sister who is 8 got that because she got a bob cut and she didn't cry or have a fit and trust me shes the one to be scared of things like that, and she wasn't. . . . .anyways i've heard that they might not take hair if its been straightened with a flat iron or curled with a curling rion. . . .my friend was going to donate hair but she decided not to because they wouldn't have used it anyways because she straightens her hair, just things to keep in mind. . . .how do you know it would be to short for her? its just a bob cut, its an 'in' hair style at the moment. . . . nsider this and again ASK her what she wants!!