I put in new batteries brand new and put them back and now they keep this slow beep does anyone know how to fix it i know the battery is good i just bought them; thanks in advance
It is hard to visualize. Personally, I do not like the ball - on - a - distorted - rubber - sheet analogy, because the ball distorts the sheet by the effects of gravity. So they are using gravity to explain gravity, which I find sort of circular. I find the best way to get my brain wrapped around it is to understand the thought experiments that Einstein performed when he arrived at the Equivalence Principle. He used an elevator on a cable or in free fall, but you can just as easily substitute a spacecraft. The point is that when you are standing motionless on the ground, you are effectively being accelerated upward by the 1G force acting upward against the soles of your feet. You cannot tell the difference between that condition and being in outer space while accelerating at 1G - if you are inside a windowless spacecraft (or elevator). That's because (as Einstein pointed out) there is no difference. In the same sense, you cannot tell the difference between falling toward the earth and floating in empty space. In these cases, you are following the path of least inertial resistance - there is in fact no force acting upon you, and you are simply following the curvature of spacetime with no additional influences. The force occurs when you reach the surface of the earth or when you start the engines. Again, there is no difference between these two cases either. It is admittedly not easy to visualize in an intuitive manner. I usually think about it in terms of the gravitational effects on a spacecraft trajectory as it passes a massive planet. If you are inside the spacecraft and have no instruments or windows to tell you otherwise, you will not be able to sense the curvature imposed on the trajectory. You will feel zero G continuously unless you fire your engines. But an external observer will see your path curve around the planet as you follow a straight line - a line with no forces applied - in the warped spacetime created by the gravitational field.
figure on paying about 250.00 dollars a month for heat depends what you keep it on if you keep it on 72 like i do sometimes 74 because i get cold that's what your oil bill will be a month water i don't pay for water so i don't know.i also have a 2 bedroom.eight rooms all together in my place.