I'm 20... I live in Israel and although they mostly accept it here i'm still in the closet, no one knows that i'm gay cause i'm manly though... I feel I really need want to come out cause it makes me very depressed and mentally stressed.. :(I have no gay friends and I don't know any other gays and I feel my life is a hell... my parents always ask when will I get a girlfriend and I always answer that i'm waiting for the perfect girl... years of hiding it made me an excellent liar, and I hate it... I feel my life is just ****.... :( hope you understand....
When I came out I found my true friends were Because they accepted me and by me coming out me and my friends and me became closer friend but there's also people who I thought were my friend but when I told them I'm gay they said things like. It's against my religion And its a choice and god wouldn't want you to choose to be gay I simply told them its not a choice I just finnaly accepted it and honestly why would I choose to make my life harder if it was a choice then why would i be like oh ya I'm gonna choose to be gay I want to be picked on in school and called ****** everywhere I go
I feel the same way, Rand. My family knows I am homosexual, and, except for my sister, my entire family has abandoned me. I basically have no family. Where am I going with this? I really don't know. All I can say is that if you have a family that will love you, and hug you, and include you in family events, even if that means lying and being secretive, be thankful you have a family. I cry a lot, and think of suicide quite often, but to still have a family would be wonderful.
Hoist a rainbow flag atop your house. Then at least 1% population in your area will know.
I think you should do what makes you happy!
Time to take a step forward. You are an adult. Can you get your own place? Are you working? Call your gay center and find out where the adult guys meet for social get togethers. Feed off their strength. Also contact PFLAG in Tel Aviv-- it is a wonderful support group for the parents of LGBT kids. They usually keep lists of social and support groups Contact me and I will give you an address for them. I believe itis someone's home address so I don't want to put it on the internet without permission. Reach out. It is time to live your life. THis is all you get. No do overs. Life is short and you're wasting it hiding. PFLAG will help with your folks. Eventually they will deal with it, sooner or later. In the meantime, you have to live your life. At least Israel had a pride parade this year. It's a good start. Stop pretending you're straight and waiting for a gf. Of course your parents will be shocked and say they had no idea. That's what PFLAG is for. Get YOUR life on track. Be happy. HUGS from a senior lesbian