and it was lumpy can i still use it or will the lumps interfer with the leveling process, ( and how liquidy should i make it) i experimented with a little amount and it just didn't look right so i threw it out.. it's the firt time i'm using a self leveling product
Self-leveling cement has the recipe for the proper mix on the bag. If you want to mix less than a full bag, maintain the same ratio. Yes. you may need a power mixer like a drill. Lumpy is bad.!
I don't know a lot about that, but it seems that you may need it quite thin, so it will run as needed to self level. apply the leveling cement in shallow layers, (less then 1/2 inch each) or it will when drying as it has so much water in it. To get the lumps out try some thing on a power drill to mix it faster. They sell small beaters to use on a power drill for that.
You want to mix the stuff so that it is like pancake batter. No lumps. The lumps are clumps of still dry concrete. Self leveling works like water.-which is level- So your surface that you want to have level needs a fence all around the perimeter say 3/8 x 2 wideplywood strips in a continuous border......then in the lower centre area (in many cases, the floors of houses, the heating wires get laid - - and then the leveling cement is poured onto the floor(it is runny like batter) and covers the wires and is stopped at the level of just under 3/8. Then it is left alone for a day or three. Then floor tile are dry laid ontop of the level floor....then glued down.
On self leveling cement, make the mix super liquid at first and then use a power drill and a paint mixer mixing it very thoroughly and completely, Then add a bit more of the dry cement to the liquidy mix until you get a consistency of about a thin tooth paste. The key here is to make it liquidy, then thicken it back by adding more dry cement powder until you get it just right. Now before you go applying this to an existing concrete surface, take brush and wet down that concrete with water. Get it good and wet but not puddled on there. Wait 10 minutes or so for the old concrete to absorb the water. Then take and pour that above mix onto there and start leveling with a flat piece of aluminum or a flat boards edge.
Never NEVER try to work with lumpy cement. Toss it and start over. Mix well make sure you enough but not too mcuh water. Cement of any type needs to be smooth and easily spread.