Home > categories > Security & Protection > Lightning Rod > I need a parental control program that blocks ALL internet access besides the sites that i permitted?

I need a parental control program that blocks ALL internet access besides the sites that i permitted?

Basically instead of creating a list of blocked sites I’d like to block everything and Create a list of permitted sites only.


I think you'll be fine. Most metallic objects that attract lightning are high in the air and denser than a Capri Sun pouch, which I'm not certain is even metallic. I am positive that you as a lightning rod yourself pose more of a danger than a Capri Sun curtain when it comes to attracting lightning strikes, so go ahead and make the curtain, you'll be fine.
With apologies for repeats..I see in my lab: Dissecting scopes Microscopes Beakers Graduated cylinders Pipettors (Micropipettors) Centrifuge Vortexer Dissecting strategies Thermal cycler (a.ok.a PCR device) Electrophoresis gel rigs Scales try tubes Stir plate pH Meter Incubator Fume Hood computers Volumetric flasks speed Vac (combination vacuum gadget and centrifuge) Spectrophotometer Bonus: Books

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