our science class has to do a ridiculous crossword puzzle on lab safety 'nough said. i have about six questions that just dont make sense to me HELP PLEASE. O.O1. ________ the day's experiment before you begin, paying particular attention to safety issues. 6 letters: R _ _ S _ _2. Secure loose ________ before beginning a lab. 7 letters: _ _ _ _ _ _ S3. Wearing this will protect your clothes. 5 letters: _ P _ _ _4. Never pour water into this; instead, slowly pour this into water. 4 letters _ _ A _ (i could be wrong about the A, but then what would This kind of glassware is dangerous to use because it has stress points where the glass may break be other than CRACKED?)5. Don't wear _______ in the lab. 7 letters. S_ _ _ _ _ _ _All help is appreciated. Thanks. :P
if you search sanding gloves on googgle you will find a few sites
If you hubs are any larger than the 2x4, they won't go..
Yeah, you can, but it's dangerous if you're not used to it. Also, more dangerous but faster is a metal cutting blade on a skillsaw. Be VERY careful, use ALL the safety gear - Gloves, face shield, earmuffs, sturdy clothes and shoes - this stuff can cut you right in half and leave you on the ground for the neighbors to find.
Pay attention to the safety recommendations. Stabilize the material to be cut on a firm surface. Cut from the back side, use a fine file to remove any burrs. Lubricate the blade with bee's wax. If you use a skilsaw, a hollow-ground blade is specific for this purpose.
if you are cutting the siding on the building, the jig saw with a fine blade(more teeth per inch), or sawzall would be the way to go. if you have removed the siding and are working on a flat surface on some saw horses, you can use a circular saw fitted with a hollow ground (thin kerf) plywood blade, mounted backwards in the saw. the cut the saw will make with the blade will be smoother, but the blade won't be good for much else when you are done with it. also, to get straight cuts, use a speed square to guide the saw base, as you make your cuts. good luck, hope this helps.