
Death metal?

I need some death metal songs to learn on the bass guitar.


Metals Metalloids Nonmetals
what do metalloids do not have
Metals Nonmetals And Metalloids
Most elements are metals. They are typically shiny, good conductors of heat and electricity, have a high density, and only melt at high temperatures. Metals are ductile and malleable, so their shape can be easily changed into thin wires or sheets. Metals will corrode, gradually wearing away like rusting iron. Nonmetals, are very different from metals. Their surface is dull and they are poor conductor of heat and electricity. As compared to metals, they have low density and will melt at low temperatures. The shape of a nonmetal cannot be changed easily as they tend to be brittle and will break. Metalloids have properties of both metals and non-metals. Some of the metalloids, such as silicon and germanium, are semi-conductors. This means that they can carry an electrical charge under special conditions. This property makes metalloids useful in computers and calculators .

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