I was wondering if it would be safe to bake it inside of a silicone panWould it be safe for the pan or would it ruin itWould the clay come out of the pan ok? Any other tips that would help please?
Vaseline, you bunch of benders.
extra underwear,socks,pants,jacketSwintrunk., sun screenMatches02bof WAY over kill man, it a camping trip, not stranded on a island for life.
You invite people soon enough to give them time to plan for your event: NOW! The food and beverages that you contribute depend on your valuesMost people will probably bring junk food, so you should make sure that there are some healthy foods available to balance mealsYou should consider buying fruits and vegetablesNuts are packed with food value, without the hassle of preparationFruit juices are popular at parties, even when many people want to drink alcoholic beverages or sodasIce goes well because everyone enjoys a cold drink.
-First Aid Kit - This is a mustMake sure if anyone has/needs to take certain medications on a daily basis(like prescriptions) you bring those too-Flash lights - I'd also bring extra batteries-CookwareSince there's a groupA couple of large skillets and a pot should do itDon't forget some dish soap for cleaning-Matches -Clothing for ALL elementsRain,cold,heat etc-Personal care productsProbably won't need much as far as that goesTooth brush/toothpaste and deodorant is good,unless you plan on a long trip out-Toilet paperYou'll thank me later-Sunscreen-Camera/film etc (ok not really a necessity,but great for memories later.) -Map of the area,surrounding areas-Pocket Knife or Swiss Army Knife would probably be better
Diane B did an excellent job of answering your questionI have only one thing to addeHow is one of the best go to websites for anything craft, so is a great place to start when looking for projects I hope you have lots of fun with your project.