Home > categories > Mechanical Parts & Fabrication Services > Needle Bearings > how many ball bearings can i jam into my eurethra?

how many ball bearings can i jam into my eurethra?

i was just wondering how many ball bearings like the ones from skatebords i could jam into my eurethra. iveed other things like beads and small seeds but i was just wondering if ball bearings felt as good and if they were easy tto get out. im really strugling here guys please help i dont want to hurt myself.


try it and see . it might be a tad embarassing going to the doctor when you cannot extract them though.
It depends on how big your shlong is. Just use enough to fill it halfway use plenty of KY jelly.
I would probably say around 3-4 (Small Ball Bearings) if i was in your currant situation i would use Vaseline to lube up your Urethra first this also will make the skin slightly more flexable inside and arround the Uethra, It could also be a good idea to measure the size of the Initial hole/opening and only putting ball bearings down there which you are comfortable with. When trying to extract the Ball Bearing i would put slight pressure on the Uethra behind ALL the Ball Barings and trying to slowly but comfortably squeeze them back out. If you cann'ot squeeze ALL the Ball'Bearings out after a few tries you should go to the Closest Hospital and tell them your EXACT situation.

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